
Basic and supplementary insurance. When do I need to provide my medical information?


Basic insurance & supplementary insurance

When you choose an insurer for your basic health coverage, you don't have to fill out a medical questionnaire.

Since basic health insurance is mandatory    for people living in Switzerland, the insurer must accept your application. This, regardless of your age and state of health. This also applies if you decide to change insurers.

As it stands, the insurer cannot resort to risk selection and cannot refuse to insure you. You may be asked for a general information form, but nothing is as comprehensive as a comprehensive health questionnaire.

However, the obligation to complete one is a reality when you take out supplementary insurance. The insurer is free to judge the level of risk and to adapt the conditions of its coverage according to the cases encountered.

What about medical confidentiality?

Professional secrecy for doctors applies in all cases. Simply, a certain degree of information sharing is accepted when the patient applies for supplemental insurance.

As a general rule, you must give your doctor a power of attorney so that he or she can respond to the insurer in question.

This does not prevent the legal obligation to limit itself to what is strictly necessary in the transmission of your medical data.

Without this information, the insurer cannot record future benefit payments on the basis of your assumed future state of health.

In conclusion, the approach of an insurer covering supplementary health benefits is legal when it asks you to fill out a health questionnaire. Your doctor, with your consent, may also transmit data and complete the information necessary for the analysis of your file. That said, your doctor is nevertheless required to limit this information to what is strictly necessary.

Do I let my broker answer for me?


You may think that you have a degree of technical expertise to formulate certain answers so that your file is better considered, but in the case of your health questionnaire, always fill it out yourself.

You are the only one authorized to explain your history in detail and to provide the correct and complete medical evidence. Only your doctor can support you in this process.

What if I answer approximately?

It's never advisable. You are required to answer accurately and completely.

If you do the opposite, you run certain risks.

Just like when you take out a loan... Your file with an insurer must be irreproachable in its constitution and the information or supporting documents shared.

What are the risks?

The simple refusal to cover costs relating to the care provided. This can be particularly damaging if the care and therefore the relative costs are high.

Simply terminating your contract.

You might as well be transparent and discuss with your complementary insurer, even if it means having to pay more, rather than running the risk of having to pay all the costs related to care and/or hospitalization. This is all the more important given the high cost of healthcare in Switzerland. Whether it's dental care or other complementary care to the basic coverage, quality often goes hand in hand with the invoice received.

Can the supplementary insurer require an additional examination?

According to the answers provided in the questionnaire, the insurer is entitled to request it.

Your doctor will then be informed and additional analyses will be carried out in order to complete the information in your file with the insurer.

What kind of information do I need to provide?

Any relevant medical information relating to the questions asked. However, you can choose not to respond in the following contexts:

Information concerning temporary treatments such as for a cold for example. There is no need to specify the common cases faced by the entire population and which do not cause chronic or serious damage to your health.

The care provided that is prescribed. In principle, the limitation period is set at more than five years. If necessary, check with the insurer in question to be informed of the period applied.

Whether or not you are taking a birth control pill. This is a matter of privacy and personal health choice.

Information on routine medical treatments without any particular consequences is also to be considered non-mandatory. A shoulder dislocation, a superficial cut, a temporary ache, a case of temporary food poisoning... Any temporary event that does not have a long-term impact.

And for my child?

It is advisable to declare your child before birth in order to subscribe to basic coverage and for supplemental insurance. As this is a case with no medical history, this will avoid unpleasant surprises if you do it after the birth.

Think, for example, of a case of dental malformation once your child has reached teething age. Hello dental bills! Avoid this case by anticipating the additional coverage.

Milenia, by your side

Health is our most precious asset. We live in a country where basic coverage is mandatory, and that is very appreciable.

The system is therefore intended to be fair and inclusive. Everyone has the right to quality care to cope with the vagaries of life.

The particularity is in the level of complementary care. Your coverage depends on your state of health and the complementary insurers are there, with the right to analyse your file in order to adapt their conditions.

You must therefore be transparent and honest in these steps. It may seem intrusive or even unfair at times, but you might as well have an orderly and complete file to avoid unpleasant surprises during your life; You might as well avoid a financial burden in addition to a medical burden that is already heavy enough to bear.

Milenia is the leading financing platform in Switzerland. We are your credit partner when you want to finance and realize your personal projects. We are not insurers, but our experience shows that life's hazards are legion and sometimes require a financial boost.

Health concerns are one of these hazards.

If your budget allows it, if your financial situation is healthy, we are at your side to guide you through challenging times to overcome.

This is why we inform you of your rights and obligations, in terms of personal loans but also in terms of insurance, finance, investments, job loss or bills.

So think of Milenia to carry out your projects. We look forward to supporting you throughout your life.

May it be long and synonymous with iron health!





The Certo! One Mastercard® by Milenia ! A free credit card with a bunch of perks!

In the jungle of credit cards, you might as well aim for simplicity and clarity; values dear to Milenia. That's good, get yours by making your request to your personal advisor. It's free!

We've talked about this before

Among our privileged partners, Cembra represents everything that constitutes a benevolent and qualitative collaboration.

As a flagship of financial services in Switzerland, this partner has been able to develop its activities over time by demonstrating a spirit of innovation in consumer credit, leasing, invoice purchases and credit card management.

Headquartered in Zürich with a history of more than a hundred years, we are proud to collaborate with Cembra in a spirit dedicated to a service offering aimed at meeting the precise needs of our customers.

For all these reasons, we decided to collaborate with Cembra and create the Certo credit card! One Mastercard® by Milenia.

Let's Talk Credit Card

Thanks to its own network of retail partners, Cembra customers benefit from special conditions with brands such as Coop or Migros.

As is often the case, you have the option to choose from different credit card options. In this case, depending on your financial means, you can opt for a Premium or Gold card.

Let's get to the heart of the matter

Your Certo! One Mastercard® by Milenia can be used worldwide.

Millions of businesses are linked so there's no risk of not being able to make your purchase no matter where you are, no matter the product.

Like any self-respecting credit card, you can pay in a physical store or online. This is normal.

Need to withdraw cash from an ATM? That's possible too.

In Switzerland and abroad? Of course.

Interest rate ?

You have the option of reimbursing all of your expenses indicated on the invoice or staggering the repayment over time, in which case the interest rate will be 11.95%.


Your payment card is contactless. You can pay amounts up to CHF 80 by holding your credit card close to the terminal to pay for the purchase, without entering your PIN.

The e-service is also appreciable. Access your history and personal data in just a few clicks.

Need emergency help? A hotline is available 24/7.

Okay, but it's not revolutionary...

That's why Cembra is launching Certo!

Do you have a Cumulus Mastercard? Make a free exchange to get the Certo! It's easy and free of charge.

What are the benefits ?

Do you shop at the Coop or Migros? Do you use SBB? Bingo! Using your Certo! You get discounts of up to 1% of your purchases.

Every three months, your accumulated savings are returned to you.

Other benefits through special actions and discounts applied in the context of short-term or long-term partnerships remain in force.

In addition, you can also access the "Cheapest Price Guaranteed" service. We'll tell you more about it later.

Terms & Conditions

Quality and responsibility are the other two values that are important to us. So we've taken care to go through the terms and conditions for you.

Admit it, you rarely do it, don't you ?

No problem! Here are our findings :

Is it still possible to spread my refunds upon receipt of an invoice ?


What about transaction and withdrawal fees, especially abroad ?

Fees are applied either as a minimum flat rate (e.g. CHF 5 for a withdrawal abroad) or as a percentage per transaction. The rates applied are in line with the market prices.

And the lowest price guarantee ?

The short answer is yes, it's a service offered.

Be careful, however, it is important to take out an insurance policy covering this type of service and the associated conditions, which are not necessarily that simple.

Some products are excluded from the warranty. Power supply, for example, or vehicles.

A minimum price differential is applied, deadlines are imposed and it is necessary to fill out a file for each case encountered if applicable.

What about the percentage of discounts leading to savings ?

For once, nothing to complain about! You save between 0.33% and 1% on your purchases at the largest retailers in Switzerland. It's appreciable.


At Milenia, we work every day to make your projects a reality. We are committed  to meeting your expectations and the challenges encountered on your life path.

Whether it's for a personal loan, real estate financing, job loss insurance, an advantageous credit card, cleaning your data or a business loan... We're here with you.

Finding the best offer, the formula best suited to your reality, the solution that truly suits your means... That's what drives us.

Whatever your personal situation, whether you want to finance a personal project or rather want to improve your cash flow, do not hesitate to visit our website.

You will be able to carry out simulations, learn about our various solutions or simply learn about the many articles on our blog.

Thousands of customers trust us every year. As part of the merger with credaris, Milenia is now the leading financing platform in Switzerland.

It is thanks to you and it is therefore quite naturally for you that we redouble our efforts to satisfy you.

Apply for your Certo card! One Mastercard® by Milenia

Speaking of advantageous credit cards and our desire to satisfy you, thanks to our partnership with Cembra, we can send you your Certo card!

All you have to do is contact your personal advisor.

Your credit card, made of recycled plastic, in Milenia's colors, will be offered to you !

No application fees, no annual membership fees to pay and the maintenance of all the benefits !

And if you'd like an extra card, it's free too !

When we told you that we were by your side





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Years go by, but the topic of interest rates remains topical. What about in 2024?

We take a look at the issue of rates for consumer credit and your mortgage.


Need a personal loan in 2024? What's changing?

The Ordinance on the Federal Act on Consumer Credit aims to set a course for the interest rates charged by banks and credit brokers.

What for?

Simply to protect the interests of the consumer.

As it is a quick and easy financing solution that also represents a greater risk for lenders, the interest rates charged are generally higher.

In order to avoid cases of over-indebtedness and to limit the emergence of unscrupulous players in the sector, a maximum interest rate is applied, a "cap".

Funding platforms are required to meet this milestone.

The mechanisms used to set the maximum rate are often linked to upward or downward trends in interest rates as well as the policy rate determined by the country's financial and political authorities.

It is for this reason that an increase in the maximum rate was decided and implemented from 1 January 2024. It will now be a maximum of 12%.

Is my credit impacted?

The potential application of this maximum rate is only relevant for contracts concluded after 1 January 2024. A contract signed before is therefore not impacted.

Need a mortgage? Are rates falling?

This is the question asked by many homeowners or future homeowners. Especially after the recent rise in mortgage rates after a period of historically low rates.

Inflation over the past two years has had a significant impact on interest rates. Depending on the duration of the contract, rates have been close to 4-5%, generating widespread concern about the ability of homeowners to repay if this were to last or even worsen in the long term.

The key interest rates decided by central banks in the United States and Europe were the triggers for this increase. These decisions were taken to counter a risk to the world economy caused by uncontrolled price increases.

Fortunately, the latest trends and figures show that inflation is stabilising or even falling. The consequence is a relative calm in the markets and a return to lower levels of applied interest rates.

And what about the Saron?

The Saron, the successor to Libor, bases its interest rate on the actual daily transactions on the Swiss money market.

This implies a certain degree of volatility that can work to the disadvantage of buyers opting to incorporate the Saron into their mortgage structure.

More advantageous than a fixed rate in 2023, the Saron rate has gradually caught up with the heights reached by these fixed rates.

It is more imperative than ever to get good advice on the advisability or risk of including a share of Saron in your loan.

What are the forecasts for 2024?

The current trend is rather downward and most financial institutions agree that rates will stabilize in 2024.

However, no one is able to guarantee this. What for?

First, inflation, although currently under control, is not fully stabilized.

Central banks will avoid cutting policy rates too hastily unless recessions are on the horizon.

This is the main indicator influencing borrowing interest rates in the countries concerned.

Unfortunately, the geopolitical reality remains extremely volatile.

The economic conflict between the United States and China continues to rage. The world's two major players are constantly fighting over access to cutting-edge technologies. The effects are devastating for Europe's growth recovery.

This has an impact on the climate of confidence in the financial sector.

To make matters worse, the recent elections in Taiwan have generated even more protests and provocations from the Chinese authorities. As Taiwan is a technological and industrial powerhouse in Asia, any impairment of its ability to produce and export would have significant consequences for global trade.

The conflict in the Middle East, the end of which does not seem to be in sight, as well as the risk of spreading to other territories in the region, do nothing to stabilize the markets. Added to this is the risk posed to maritime transport near Yemen; This prevents the passage of goods and could impact the entire supply chain.

Of course, the ongoing war in Ukraine continues to cause terrible loss of life but also economic damage throughout the region. As Russia is an important economic player but also a considerable military force, its collaboration with neighbouring countries such as China and even North Korea is a vector of uncertainty and fears about a potential way out of the crisis.

So yes, geopolitical events have an immediate influence on your mortgage rate and how it will evolve in the months and years to come.

Another alternative?

Despite this geopolitical reality, life must go on. Your projects don't wait and to make them a reality, funding is often necessary.

The route of a mortgage loan for a real estate project remains the first option.

Taking into account the current context, the choice of the contract term, the proposed rates and the formula with or without Saron, must be made judiciously.

However, if it is a project that requires little financing due to a large down payment or if we are talking about renovation or a reduced purchase amount, credit can be an alternative solution.

Of course, the rate is higher, but it is very likely that you will not reach the maximum rate imposed as described above. In addition, the rate granted remains fixed.

Other significant advantages are the absence of the obligation to justify the use of the loaned funds, less administrative management, the absence of a notarial deed and the simplicity and speed of execution of the payment of your money.

In addition, you have the right to change your loan formula or intermediary at any time, as well as free application and advice.

As always, a wise choice requires a good deal of thought and any decision must be made with respect to your budget reality and your ability to repay. Whether it's a mortgage or a personal loan, surround yourself with good advisors.

At Milenia, we will be able to guide you in the realization of your project. Free of charge and without obligation. Contact us to find out more!




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A first in Switzerland: your 100% digital loan!

For the first time, live the experience of a fully digitized online loan, from the submission of your application to the signing of the contract and the payment of your money.


Your contract, 100% online.

Milenia, focused on simplicity and quality, innovates with a fully online loan. Sign remotely with E-ID and E-Sign, providing a secure and transparent process. No more paperwork, no more travel. Your approach, your pace, our responsibility.

Milenia's values (simplicity, responsibility, clarity and quality) are centred on improving your life; This is our main mission.

This encourages us to constantly evolve and present you with solutions and services that will have a positive impact on your procedures, especially administrative ones.

This is why we offer you, as a first step, to take out your loan in a 100% digital way.

In partnership with Cembra Money Bank, you can take full advantage of your online credit without worrying about paperwork.

Even your credit agreement can now be signed remotely.

This may seem like a no-brainer in a world filled with new technologies, but until now, no one in the personal loan business offered this service.

Those days are now over and we're proud to share it with you!

After all, until recently, all your contract documents were signed manually and sent to partner banks.

That is now history. So forget all postal exchanges, purchases of stamps, envelopes, paper; All you need is an internet connection... That's better, isn't it?

This process required the implementation of new technological tools:

E-ID, which allows you to be authenticated remotely.

It is a digitized proof of identity that allows you to be recognized and to have your financial and administrative transactions carried out electronically.

You will receive a link that you can click on and a caller will ask you to show your ID. That's it!

Then, the E-Sign which gives you the opportunity to sign your documents digitally.

Simplicity and security are guaranteed.

Isn't it more complex than it used to be?

It is legitimate to have this kind of intuition, we present you a totally digital method.

After all, we're moving away from the traditional methods we're used to and moving towards a new solution.

It's called change and it can be scary.

Simplicity above all!

However, with our new online credit offer, all this simplifies your credit application.

No need to move around, everything is accessible on a computer with internet access.

You no longer need to go to our offices, nor do you need to go to the post office.

If you don't need to go to the post office anymore, you don't have to bother with paperwork.

In short, don't waste precious time and move to the digital speed.

As you can see, you can now approach your procedures with much more ease.

Even if you remain skeptical about this transformation, which is perfectly understandable, digital progress allows for better cooperation, more transparency and more service for you, our dear customers.


Everything remains clear. Our advice above all.

You will always have access to an advisor if needed.

The digitization process simply allows you to benefit from a tailor-made approach that meets your financing needs.

While you can rest assured that you can file paper documents manually, don't worry about keeping your documents digital.

This is also safer knowing that your digital documents cannot burn, get lost, wear out... Everything is carefully preserved in a secure space.

This is in accordance with the new data protection law.

When in doubt, our fundamentally human approach remains tangible.

All you have to do is call us or make an appointment at our offices if it seems useful and reassuring. In all other cases, in a few clicks, in a few days, your application is completed, analyzed, submitted, accepted and signed. Your financing follows in the aftermath.


Responsibility is still there!

A responsible approach remains at the heart of our digital initiative.

Authentication process, confidential procedure, access to an advisor... Every step, every need is designed to meet your needs.

No identity theft is possible, no action can be validated without your consent. You are only liable if you wish to do so.

For the electronic signature of your documents, the task is going to be complicated, practice signing on a screen now, it doesn't change anything on paper but you never know. We're joking, of course...

On a more serious note, the electronic signature will concern your credit agreement. No, you won't have to sign on your screen, but you will have an electronic signature that only you will know how to activate.

You have the same rights and protections as before. A two-week right of withdrawal after signing the contract, the possibility of adapting your credit formula, the right to an in-depth analysis of your file to avoid the risk of over-indebtedness, etc.

The digital management of your file from A to Z has no impact on the safeguarding of your rights and the seriousness with which we assume our responsibilities of advice and facilitation is only tenfold.

In a word: Quality.

The cost of this service that leads to less time and hassle? There is none.

Since our creation, our role as a financial platform is simple, clear and responsible financing platform has generated no expense for you.

You won't have to cover any supposed administrative costs or so-called file creations.

Our remuneration is established with our banking partners, not our customers.

Is my access to human advice, delivered by a physical personal advisor, still assured? Yes, of course.

Whether in person, via WhatsApp or by email, your advisor, based in Switzerland, will always be at your disposal.

What do I need to do to activate this digital application process?

Just go to our website. Everything is explained, in all simplicity. Promised!

Can I always count on a highly individualized approach that takes into account my reality and my personal financial situation? That goes without saying!

It's our job, our passion.

Regardless of my signature method, do I still have attractive rates? The best on the market!

As Switzerland's leading financing platform, we offer you the most suitable and favourable solutions and conditions.

For Milenia, technology is synonymous with process improvement.

True to our mission, we work to put this technology at your service, in a fundamentally human way.





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How much does your loan cost?

Repayment of the loan, payment of interest... We explain your payment plan to see the total cost.


A personal loan. What's that?

This is an interest-bearing loan with a warranty.

You have the option to use the money you don't have as you see fit, whether it's bill payments or personal projects.

The repayment of the money paid and the calculated interest, including all fees, is generally done between 12 and 120 months, which directly influences the total cost of your loan.

Of course, an analysis of your preliminary file is carried out in order to confirm your solvency and avoid a case of over-indebtedness.

It is also important to note that consumer credit is regulated by law.


We were referring to the repayment period.

This duration obviously influences the amount of your monthly payments, which decreases.

However, the total cost of credit increases with the term.

So you'll pay less, in total, if you pay back in 12 months instead of 36 months.

What is a monthly payment?

This is the monthly amount you will pay to the lender in order to pay off your credit within the allotted term.

If you take out a loan that will have to be repaid in two years, you will have to pay 24 monthly payments.

These 24 monthly instalments will be shown on 24 lines in your amortization table.

What is depreciation?

Imagine that you are loaned CHF 12,000 interest-free and you have to pay that amount back within a year.

This means that you will have 12 monthly instalments of CHF 1,000.

The amortization, i.e. the monthly accounting of each payment made, will be CHF 1,000 per month.

You will therefore amortize the entire loan after twelve months to pay it off.

What about the depreciation table?

It is a simple document that allows you to view, month by month, the portion of amortization and the portion of interest used to pay off your loan as you go along.

An outstanding balance usually accompanies an updated depreciation schedule. This way, you will know how much remains to be repaid to the lender at all times.

The interest?

Of course, a loan is not free; An interest rate is applied.

Depending on the term, the amount borrowed and the contractual terms defined with the lender, interest will be calculated.

This interest covers all the costs related to your loan. It is also a form of remuneration and risk hedging relating to the lending of money over a fixed period. This also covers management costs.

In order to simplify the repayment process, your monthly payments are fixed.

You will therefore pay the same monthly instalment, each month, which includes both the amortization portion of the amount borrowed and the interest.

If you add up all your monthly payments and subtract the amount of the loan, you will know the real cost of your loan.

So I'm paying the same amount of interest every month?


You will pay the same monthly instalment, but the interest and amortization costs vary from month to month.

At the beginning of your repayment period, you'll pay more interest and amortize less.

As payments are made, the interest portion will decrease and the depreciation portion will increase.

This, without the amount of your monthly payments varying and until the total repayment, including interest, of your loan.

What if I can't pay my monthly instalments?

It's common to deal with unforeseen financial events. In this case, it is important to discuss this with your credit partner as soon as possible. Together, you can explore solutions that are right for you. By being transparent and responsive, you will increase your chances of finding a balanced solution. This will prevent you from having problems with the ZEK.

Don't forget that there are rights and obligations that govern the contract signed with the lending bank.

What if, on the other hand, I am able to anticipate the full repayment?

The Consumer Credit Act states that you have the right to pay off your credit at any time.

A refund to your advantage can also be made in the event of an overpayment of interest proportions. Be careful, however, because, even if relatively low, cancellation fees may be charged by the lender. In some cases, there is none.

The best rate. The best service.

As you can see, calculating the cost of your loan and managing your amortization schedule is not complicated in itself.

The important thing is to assess your repayment capacity, control your budget and choose the right partner to build your credit request.

What for?

Taking out a loan is contractually binding. A risk of over-indebtedness must be avoided at all costs.

As soon as your situation is healthy, move forward with peace of mind to carry out your project.

The next step is to build your credit application. To maximize your chances of acceptance, surround yourself with good advisors, experts who are familiar with administrative requirements and know how to prepare and submit your file to lenders.

Finally, opt for a financing platform that has a wide range of banking partners; one that is well-established and adheres to an ethical charter for the benefit of its customers' interests.

A little revision.

  1. An amortization is the monthly repayment of your loan.

True or False?

  1. Your monthly payments are fixed.

True or False?

  1. If you add up all your monthly payments and deduct the amount of your loan, you get the real cost of your loan.

True or False?

  1. The portion of the interest paid each month is fixed.

True or False?

  1. You'll pay less for your loan if you spread your repayment over a longer period.

True or False?

  1. You have the right to repay early.

True or False?

  1. Bonus question not provided for in the curriculum. You have to pay a fee to build your credit report.

True or False?



  1. V
  2. V
  3. V
  4. F
  5. F
  6. V
  7. F (Opt for a financing platform that has a 0-fee policy, like Milenia!)





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Telecommuting: flop or not?

Since the Covid pandemic, companies have multiplied remote working methods. The most widely used is telecommuting. Two years later, has this method been successful?


Let's take a step back

During the lockdown, the world of work experienced a real shift.

Companies had to adapt and various means were put in place to ensure the continuity of services, sales, and the very functioning of the organization.

Do you remember?

The famous cardboard box filled with a computer, a mouse and a screen that the employees took home...

We somehow settled down somewhere in our apartment or our house.

The less fortunate had to sit on an old table at the back of their bedroom.

Children screamed in the background and parents had to juggle their work responsibilities with those of being a mother or father.

Ah... What wonderful memories!

In addition, the schedules became confused. There was no beginning and no end. We were already connected before, but now the workplace had invited itself into our home, into the family, into our home.

However, not everything had to be thrown away.

The doctor's appointment, the receipt of the Zalando package, the visit of the plumber... What required us to take time off or organize ourselves differently simply fit into his work schedule, on site.

Above all, no more time wasted on the road or on the train. We earned two hours of our living every day. That's no small feat...

We weren't the only ones. Hundreds of millions of people around the world, by obligation or freely, switched to this new way of working.

It was necessary to put in place state-of-the-art technological and IT infrastructures to enable more secure virtual exchanges of information via videoconferencing or e-mail.

It was necessary to set up a teleworking policy to give directives on working hours, the availability of employees and managers so as not to be too intrusive in private life.

Finally, regular reviews were required to assess the effectiveness of telework policies and gather feedback from employees.

The big winners? Zoom, Teams, Skype, Webex... It was a good time and the number of users exploded


Video conferencing platforms

In order to establish clear and effective communication channels, it is necessary to have instant messaging and video conferencing tools to maintain smooth communication between team members. This transition is being made by different players who bring specificities specific to each sector.

You may have seen that.

Some companies will use the Zoom platform, which allows simple video conferences with a discussion thread, which is easy to use and not very connected to other services.

Others will use Microsoft Teams or Webex, which offer more integrated and secure business solutions.

Skype and Google Meet round out the market leaders, at least in Europe.


And what about employers?

The main fear of some employers during this pandemic?

Decreased productivity.

The prevailing thought was that employees, less supervised than before, would work less given this new organizational freedom.

The endless breaks, the last-minute shopping, the Netflix binging...

We're not going to lie, the majority of teleworkers have taken advantage of this to better combine professional and personal needs.

There have been many productivity studies, too many to mention here.

In the end, productivity dropped slightly on average, but this varied enormously depending on the functions and responsibilities.

Profiles whose tasks were recurrent completed their work more quickly and, not needing to do more, to take advantage of the time available to go about their personal business.

Others worked even harder, especially early in the morning, late at night, or on weekends.

Where some managers suffered from a lack of supervision (monitoring?) of their teams; Some employees did not take well to the distance, the lack of clarity on the establishment of rules... All of them missed interpersonal relationships and this may have impacted the corporate culture and sense of well-being.

In conclusion, there is neither one statistic valid for everyone nor a representative feeling of all employers and employees. However, there is no doubt that the world of work has changed and the effects continue today.


Exactly. And today?

Companies are adapting to the demands of employees, especially young people entering the workforce.

They demand flexibility, adapted schedules and, yes, telecommuting.

In Switzerland, the job market is in favour of job applicants. Companies must therefore remain attractive and take these demands into account.

Companies are implementing hybrid work modes that allow the employee more time to work from home but require them to be present for a certain number of days in the office. Again, there is no single rule.

Some organizations simply refuse the principle of remote work.

Others impose a fixed day of attendance.

Some leave the choice to their teams.

One thing is for sure, remote work is here to stay, in one form or another.

More than controlling productivity, more than managing teams and workloads, the real challenge is to keep the links between employees, to ensure proximity between managers and their teams.

Finding a balance between the attractiveness of the employer brand, individual well-being and the needs of the company; This is where the effort must be directed for the future.


At work and at home, Milenia is always available

Accessing credit through our financing platform has never been easier.

Everything is within your reach, with customization according to your projects, we accompany you from start to finish so that your projects can see the light of day.

For your personal loan, we offer the best market conditions with 0 application fees. Everything is designed to make your life easier.

Your loan application can be done entirely remotely, with support from your personal advisor or both at the same time.

The flexibility, adaptability, personalization of your offer... All of this is embedded in our approach and services.

As the leading credit player in Switzerland, place your trust in us so that your personal dreams and projects come true.





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